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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 20 (1936)

Issue: 11. (November)

First Page: 1519

Last Page: 1519

Title: The Geology of the Eastern Half of the San Joaquin Hills, Orange County, California: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Francis D. Bode

Article Type: Meeting abstract


With the exception of the Pleistocene terrace deposits, all of the sedimentary rocks exposed in the San Joaquin Hills are Tertiary in age. The Tertiary section has a thickness of about 5,000 feet and is correlated with rocks of Sespe, Vaqueros, Topanga, San Onofre, and Puente formations. The dip of strata is thought to be largely due to the action of normal Previous HitfaultingNext Hit, rather than folding. Basic lavas are found intruded as dikes along or near the planes of many of the larger faults. While the age relationship between the Previous HitfaultingTop and the intrusion is not clear, it is thought that they are in part contemporaneous and that both are, at least, pre-Pleistocene in age. It is suggested that the present topography of the hills has resulted from a gentle northward tilting of the ar a occurring in Pleistocene and Recent time

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