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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The section extending from Shell-Kirby University No. 1 in central Pecos County, Texas, to Franklin Gephart No. 1 in northern Roosevelt County, New Mexico, is carried generally along the eastern part of the Central Basin platform. It traverses most of the upper Castile basin of deposition and shows its northern limit. Through Crane, Ector and Andrews counties, the cross section is along the strike of the beds of the Whitehorse formation. It shows the progressively increasing depth of the porous and producing zones from the Whitehorse formation into the San Andres formation, although the only oil wells shown on the section are producing from the San Andres or older formations. Some idea of the magnitude of the unconformity at the base of the Permian is indicated in the fir t ten wells in the section. The suspected relationship of the Glorieta (base of San Andres) with the undifferentiated Permian of the southern part of the Central Basin platform is also shown.
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