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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 22 (1938)

Issue: 12. (December)

First Page: 1711

Last Page: 1711

Title: Monument Field, Lea County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Author(s): W. D. Anderson, James R. Day

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Monument field is in east-central Lea County, southeastern New Mexico, and at the present time represents the northernmost producing area of the Hendrick-Jal-Cooper-Eunice trend of Winkler County, Texas, and Lea County, New Mexico. Regionally, the structure is closely related to this same trend, but is locally developed as a broad anticlinal fold in contrast to the rather narrow anticlinal ridges to the south. Production is from porous dolomitic limestone of Middle Permian age and is found at an average depth of 3,950 feet. A horizontal oil zone common to the field and approximately 150 feet in thickness is found between the subsea depths of minus 200 and a common water table of minus 350. Since the oil zone is horizontal and there is considerable structural relief, p oduction is found through a stratigraphic range of several hundred feet. A definite relationship exists between structural position and productivity. Productive limits are defined off structure by the absence of porosity above the water table. Folding occurred at intervals during Middle and Upper Permian time, but the major movement was post-Rustler in age. Prior to July 1, 1938, a total of 473 wells, each on a 40-acre unit, had been drilled, and since the field was discovered early in 1935 it had produced under proration approximately 19,750,000 barrels of oil.

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