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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 32 (1948)

Issue: 11. (November)

First Page: 2127

Last Page: 2139

Title: Relative Role of Some Geological Tools in Oil Exploration

Author(s): H. H. Suter (2)


Geophysical methods of oil exploration are seen as special methods of geological mapping, that is, as geological techniques or tools. Geophysics measures physical properties of the earth, which become geological data after suitable translation. The translator must have a full training in geology and should have practiced geology for a sufficient length of time. Conventional geological tools, such as Previous HithammerTop and compass, are still modern. The evolution of a geological section by integration of geological, seismo-geological, and electro-geological data is demonstrated by means of a generalized case.

Claims of success of geophysical methods independent of geology are discussed. It is considered that these should be related to the area of an entire country rather than to the area of oil provinces within a country.

A plea is made for integrated symposia on regional geophysical geology and for more publication of data on geophysical failures in order to find out possible underlying causes and thus criteria for selecting the most logical mapping techniques in each case.

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