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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 32 (1948)

Issue: 12. (December)

First Page: 2314

Last Page: 2314

Title: New Petroleum Development by Pemex in Northeastern Mexico: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Eduardo J. Guzman

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A brief outline is given of the geological, Previous HitgeophysicalTop and drilling explorations done by Petroleos Mexicanos in northeastern Mexico. The area under consideration is stratigraphically and structurally part of the geologic province commonly designated as the Coastal Plain or Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana.

The subsurface stratigraphic sequence and descriptions as given are used for identification purposes by Petroleos Mexicanos without attempting any revision on age or correlation of these formations.

A summary is given of the criteria used in the correlation of the well sections with the corresponding sections in other wells. The writer describes briefly the structures drilled or being drilled by Petroleos Mexicanos near the border, presents their seismological maps and cross sections and gives tentative correlations with wells on the American side.

Production and completion data of such wells are also given.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists