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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 40 (1956)

Issue: 2. (February)

First Page: 418

Last Page: 419

Title: Mississippian Succession in South Nahanni River Area, Northwest Territories: ABSTRACT

Author(s): W. H. H. Patton

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A thick section of Mississippian rocks is exposed west of Jackfish River in the LaBiche Range of the MacKenzie Mountains near South Nahanni River, Northwest Territories.

From fossil evidence rocks of Kinderhook, Osage, Meramec, and Chester ages are known to be present.

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Strata with a Kinderhook fauna equivalent in age to the Banff formation are present. They are followed by a sequence of rocks with Osage, Meramec, and Chester fossils and consisting of interbedded argillaceous limestones and calcareous shale overlain by a great thickness of sandstone with minor shale and coal beds. Fossil plants, Stigmaria sp. and Lepidodendron sp., and coal were found in sandstones below the Meramecian Spirifer cf. pellaensis zone.

Microspores from the coal were identified by P. A. Haquebard of the Coal Research Branch of the Geological Survey of Canada, Sydney, Nova Scotia, and were found to indicate a Lower Carboniferous or Mississippian (Tournasian, partly Visean) flora. Spores in the coal are unlike those found in Mississippian coal of Utah but are very similar to those described from the Lower Carboniferous of the Ukraine by geologists of the U.S.S.R.

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