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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 40 (1956)

Issue: 2. (February)

First Page: 433

Last Page: 433

Title: Facies Control of Oil Occurrence: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Parke A. Dickey, Richard E. Rohn

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Oil occurs in several different rock associations, but follows particular facies subdivisions within each type. In the micaceous sand and shale association, linear trends of pools are Previous HitwellNext Hit developed and are parallel with lithologic ratio contours. Oil occurs also in similar rocks deposited in birdfoot deltas resembling the delta of the Mississippi. The zones favorable to the growth of reefs or bioherms are rigidly controlled by environment, and the occurrence of reefs can be related to the nature of their enclosing rocks. The widespread quartzose sands found associated with shelf limestones are permeable over large areas, and local pools are structurally controlled. This rock association is poor in organic matter, and the location of oil pools can be related to belts of o l-source facies in associated beds.

Lithologic conditions are important in deciding whether to lease and drill a prospect. In a large and growing number of cases where structural closure is absent, they are the only geological considerations. All Previous HittypesTop of lithologic and stratigraphic information can be shown quantitatively by contours ln the same manner as structural data. Quantitative expressions provide the best means of presenting lithologic data areally. Such presentations permit the definition of areas lithologically favorable for oil occurrence.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists