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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 42 (1958)

Issue: 1. (January)

First Page: 207

Last Page: 207

Title: Geologic Use of Densilog: ABSTRACT

Author(s): H. J. Werner, A. D. Bennett, Ralph Monaghan

Article Type: Meeting abstract


There is need for measurements of rock density in geologic interpretation of gravity data, determination of porosity, and in other geologic problems.

A logging instrument has been developed which provides in-Previous HitholeNext Hit measurements of rock density. This instrument contains a source of gamma rays and a detector. The gamma rays from the source are scattered and absorbed in the rock. The portion reaching the detector is related to the density of the rock in the vicinity of the bore Previous HitholeTop.

Examples of the application of the Densilog to problems of porosity are given. Other possible uses of the Densilog in geologic interpretation are described. It is concluded that the Densilog offers promise as a useful tool in the solution of geologic problems.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists