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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 42 (1958)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 1427

Last Page: 1433

Title: Developments in Eastern Canada in 1957

Author(s): J. D. McAlary (2), B. V Sanford (3)


In Southwestern Ontario during 1957, both development and exploratory drilling remained about the same as in 1956. Production of oil increased 5% over the previous year to 627,000 bbls., and natural gas increased 11%, totaling 14,440,000 MCF. There were three significant discoveries, all in Kent County. A notable trend in Southwestern Ontario was the issuing of permits exceeding 1,000,000 acres of offshore acreage on Lake Erie.

In the St. Lawrence Lowlands of Quebec exploratory drilling increased 54% over 1956, and what appears to be a one-well gas pool was discovered in the Trenton rocks of Ordovician age, 20 mi. northeast of the city of Three Rivers.

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