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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 44 (1960)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 958

Last Page: 958

Title: Three Forks and Bakken Stratigraphy in West Central Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Paul Kents

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Three Forks and Bakken sequence in west-central Saskatchewan was laid down during a relatively brief period of mild uplift in late Devonian and early Mississippian time, preceding the beginning of the main stage in the development of the Williston Basin. This sequence, though only about 300 feet in thickness, contains a wide variety of different rock Previous HittypesNext Hit: dolomites, anhydritic dolomites, red beds, green shales, black radioactive shales, sandstones, and clastic biostromal limestone, which make it easily recognized in Previous HitwellNext Hit cuttings and readily correlated from Previous HitwellNext Hit to Previous HitwellTop.

In the northwestern part of the area the pre-Mesozoic strata were folded in post-Mississippian times, truncated and then buried by Mesozoic sediments. Data assembled from nearly all exploratory wells in the area have revealed the presence of six anticlinal structures, two of which appear to be closed and of substantial length. These structures lie in a region adjacent to producing oil fields, and therefore offer good exploration possibilities. There are indications that more hidden structures may exist in which the pre-Mesozoic strata have been folded, thus adding to further oil and gas possibilities in the area.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists