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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 44 (1960)

Issue: 7. (July)

First Page: 987

Last Page: 999

Title: Trends in Exploratory Methods Based on Statistics from Study of Basis of Location of New-Field Wildcat Wells

Author(s): B. W. Blanpied (2)


Much information gathered from files of the statistical data presented by members of the Committee on Statistics of Exploratory Drilling, is presented herewith for the first time for the states of Texas, Louisiana, and New Mexico in 14 tables. Also, 6 figures are presented for the 12-year period 1948-1959 inclusive, showing statistical percentages in the use of geology, geophysics, and combined geology and geophysics in making new-field wildcat locations. Data show that more than half of the successful technically located wells were located on a geological basis, and approximately 25% on geophysical methods alone.

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