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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Trends in Exploratory Methods Based on Statistics from Study of Basis of Location of New-Field Wildcat Wells

B. W. Blanpied

Petroleum Developments in Mexico in 1959

Federico Mina U.

Petroleum Developments in South America and Caribbean Area in 1959

E. W. Clark

Petroleum Exploration and Production in Europe in 1959

Robert E. King

Petroleum Developments in Africa in 1959

Hollis D. Hedberg , John D. Moody

Petroleum Developments in Middle East and Adjacent Countries in 1959

Henry Hotchkiss

Petroleum Developments in Far East in 1959

Godfrey F. Kaufmann

Method for Evaluating Certain Types of Geochemical Anomalies: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

A. F. Frederickson

Survey of Preservation of Samples and Cores in United States and Canada: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Hal H. Bybee

Hydrochemical Facies and Ground-Water Flow Patterns in Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT

William Back

Geochemical Significance of Nickel Complex of Pheophytin: ABSTRACT

Bruce L. Baker, Gordon W. Hodgson

Organic Geochemistry of Cherokee Group in Southeastern Kansas and Northeastern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

Donald R. Baker, William S. Ferguson

Drilling from Floating Vessels in Open Sea: ABSTRACT

R. F. Bauer, A. J. Field

Geological Outline of Libya: ABSTRACT

Mauro D. Beltrandi, Pierre F. Burollet

Exploratory Drilling in 1959, United States, Canada, and Mexico: ABSTRACT

B. W. Blanpied

Status of Petroleum Exploration in Australia: ABSTRACT

M. A. Condon

Credit for Discovery: ABSTRACT

Tom Culbertson

Characteristics of Sandstone Reservoirs in United States: ABSTRACT

Bruce F. Curtis, (C. A. Bengtson, Jules Braunstein, Harrell Budd, Virgil Cole, Ralph A. Davis, Bruce W. Fox, Harry Glover, Penn L. Gooldy, T. P. McCann, David P. Meagher, R. F. Meyer, Keith L. Rathbun, Ted R. Russell, F. D. Spindle, S. Keith Tuthill, R. D. White, John H. Wiese, D. L. Zieglar)

Basement Beneath Atlantic Coastal Plain Between New York and Georgia: ABSTRACT

Richard V. Dietrich

Isotopic Evidence on Mechanism of Dolomitization: ABSTRACT

A. C. Daughtry, Doulgas Perry, Milton Williams

Possibilities of Wire-Line Well-Logging Methods in Mohole: ABSTRACT

H. G. Doll

Offshore Exploration in Great Lakes Region: ABSTRACT

Bryson C. Donnan

Structure of Continental Margin of Northeastern North America: ABSTRACT

Charles L. Drake, Maurice Ewing

Marine Seep Detection--New Reconnaissance Exploration Method: ABSTRACT

H. F. Dunlap, J. S. Bradley, T. F. Moore

Colloidal Nature of Petroleum: ABSTRACT

C. W. Dwiggins, Jr., P. B. Lorenz, H. N. Dunning

Dependence of Petroleum Source Materials on Rate of Burial: ABSTRACT

K. O. Emery

Sources and Modes of Genesis of Nitrogen and Sulphur Compounds in Crude Oils: ABSTRACT

J. Gordon Erdman, William E. Hanson

Bar-Finger Sands of Mississippi Delta: ABSTRACT

Harold N. Fisk

A.A.P.G. Basement Project: ABSTRACT

Peter T. Flawn

Oil Exploration in Green County, Kentucky, and Adjacent Areas: ABSTRACT

Wallace W. Hagan

Geologic Mapping of Submerged Continental Margins: ABSTRACT

Bruce C. Heezen

Scientific Objectives of Mohole, and Predicted Section: ABSTRACT

Harry H. Hess

Geometry of Producing Mesaverde Sandstones, San Juan Basin: ABSTRACT

Charles T. Hollenshead, Roy L. Pritchard

Recent Salina and Trenton Discoveries Reflect Trend Toward Deeper Formational Drilling in Michigan Basin: ABSTRACT

Robert E. Ives, Garland D. Ells

Geology and Petroleum Possibilities of Quebec: ABSTRACT

I. W. Jones, T. H. Clark

Thickness of Sedimentary Section in Appalachian Basin: ABSTRACT

Elizabeth R. King, Isidore Zietz

Summary of Geology of Atlantic Coastal Plain Province: ABSTRACT

Harry E. LeGrand

Deep Drilling Project: ABSTRACT

Gordon G. Lill

Lower Silurian and Cambro-Ordovician Sedimentation of Northern Appalachian Basin: ABSTRACT

Earl H. Linn

Petroleum Possibilities of Peten Basin, Guatemala: ABSTRACT

Joel J. Lloyd

Pre-Matawan Cretaceous Sediments: ABSTRACT

John S. McCallum

Laboratory Experiments on Form and Structure of Offshore Bars and Beaches: ABSTRACT

Edwin D. McKee

Geochemical Investigations of Athabasca Oil Sands: ABSTRACT

Bartholomew Nagy, George C. Gagnon

Exploration in Llanos of Colombia: ABSTRACT

Mark Nero, Donald J. Podesta

Florida-Bahama Platform: ABSTRACT

Harold Owens

Recent Developments in Lower Cretaceous Trend of Mississippi: ABSTRACT

T. H. Philpott

Yamacraw Ridge, Pre-Cretaceous Structure beneath South Carolina-Georgia Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT

Robert N. Pooley, R. P. Meyer, G. P. Woollard

Sand Trends and Paleoslope in Mississippi Embayment and Illinois Basin: ABSTRACT

Wayne Arthur Pryor

Effect of Fault-block Structures on Sedimentary History of Coastal Plain in North Carolina: ABSTRACT

Richard D. Pusey

Significance of Certain Distinctive Zones of Sub-Pyrenaic Region and Ebro Basin to Petroleum Geology of Northern Spain: ABSTRACT

Jose M. Rios

Problems and Principles of Sandstone Body Classification: ABSTRACT

Gordon Rittenhouse

Oil and Gas Prospects of Maritimes Region of Eastern Canada: ABSTRACT

W. A. Rollif

Jackpile Sandstone: Structurally Localized Fluvial Deposit: ABSTRACT

J. S. Schlee

Carbon Isotopic Evidence on Mechanisms of Petroleum Maturation: ABSTRACT

Sol R. Silverman

Electric Log Interpretation in Exploring for Stratigraphic Traps in Shaly Sands

Howard A. Slack, Carel Otte, Jr.

Nitrogenous Constituents of Some Paleozoic Shales: ABSTRACT

F. J. Stevenson

Fluvial and Eolian Sandstone Bodies in Colorado Plateau: ABSTRACT

William Lee Stokes

Petroleum Exploration in Senegal-Mauritania and Ivory Coast Coastal Basins (West Africa): ABSTRACT

M. Tenaille, M. A. Nicod, A. De Spengler

Stratigraphy and Structural History of Canadian Arctic Islands: ABSTRACT

R. Thorsteinsson, E. T. Tozer

Stratigraphy along Chattahoochee River, a Connecting Link between Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains: ABSTRACT

Lyman D. Toulmin, Philip E. LaMoreaux

Geology of Parapeti Area of Bolivian Chaco: ABSTRACT

Paul B. Truitt

Continental Shelf of East Coast as Possible Future Petroleum Producing Province: ABSTRACT

James Trumbull, John E. Johnston

Surani, Rumania, Anticline with Two Erosion-Depleted, Non-Contemporaneous Oil Reservoirs: ABSTRACT

Ray P. Walters

Geometric Patterns, Upper Cretaceous Sandstones, Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT

Robert J. Weimer

Gravity Measurements on Continental Margins: ABSTRACT

J. Lamar Worzel, Manik Talwani