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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 46 (1962)

Issue: 10. (October)

First Page: 1967

Last Page: 1967

Title: Distribution of Foraminifera and Ostracoda off the Gulf Coast of the Cape Romano Area, Florida: ABSTRACT

Author(s): William K. Benda, Harbans S. Puri

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Four benthonic foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages are recognized in the Cape Romano area, corresponding with four vaguely defined environments. They include the following: (1) a marsh river assemblage; (2) a lagoonal assemblage; (3) a mangrove island assemblage; and (4) an open-gulf assemblage.

Distribution patterns of both faunal elements are similar. Patterns of distribution appear to be the function of a combination of ecologic factors rather than a single factor, with correlation observed with organic carbon content of Previous HitbottomNext Hit sediments, mean grain size of Previous HitbottomNext Hit sediments, salinity-temperature of Previous HitbottomTop water, and submarine topography.

There is evidence that an acid environment exists in the highly organic, fetid, gelatinous oozes which cover the bottoms of large tracts within the marsh river, lagoonal, and mangrove island regions. This condition could conceivably result in the total destruction of both faunal elements after burial.

The foraminiferal fauna consists of 47 genera and 118 species, of which 98 are referred to known forms. The ostracod fauna consists of 38 genera and 88 species. Sixty-six of these are identified specifically.

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