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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 47 (1963)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1772

Last Page: 1772

Title: Study of Core Previous HitResistivityNext Hit Profiles and Their Bearing on Dipmeter Survey Interpretation by Computers: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Z. V. Jizba

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Bedding features in cores have been compared with corresponding dipmeter log curves. Special equipment was constructed to insure a correct match for this comparison. Results suggest that occasionally Previous HitapparentTop good picks from a dipmeter log may not correspond with actual bedding planes. The converse can also be true: valid bedding features may not have a diagnostic expression on the log. Correlations selected on the basis of peak or valley location on the dipmeter curves may provide misleading information. We may conclude that, before we can confidently process dipmeter data by means of automated computer techniques, we must be assured that our knowledge of the relationship of rock-character to dipmeter-curve development is correct and founded in fact.

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