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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Petrographic Analysis of Bird Spring Group (Carboniferous-Permian) Near Lee Canyon, Clark County, Nevada

Mark Rich

Petrographic Analysis of Bird Spring Group (Carboniferous-Permian) Near Lee Canyon, Clark County, Nevada: ADDENDUM

Petrography of Algal Bioherms in Burnt Bluff Group (Silurian), Wisconsin

J. William Soderman, Albert V. Carozzi

Late Paleozoic Tectonics and Mountain Ranges, Western Texas to Southern Colorado

John M. Hills

Origin of Nodular and Bedded Anhydrite in Permian Shelf Ssdiments, Texas and New Mexico

S. Duff Kerr, Jr. , Alan Thomson

Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminiferal Zonation and Basinal

Orville L. Bandy

Basement Rocks of Pico Etereo Area, Northern Coahuila, Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Franklin W. Daugherty

Bivalves of Lower Cretaceous Alisitos Formation, Baja California, Mexico: ABSTRACT

Edwin C. Allison

Cenozoic Planktonic Foraminiferal Zonation: ABSTRACT

Orville L. Bandy

Studies on Ecology of Planktonic Foraminifera and Radiolaria off Southern California Coast: ABSTRACT

Dick Casey

Career Opportunities in Geology: ABSTRACT

Orlo E. Childs

Monterey Rocks in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California: ABSTRACT

Joseph C. Clark

1962 International Field Institute in the Swiss Alps: ABSTRACT

Gregory A. Davis

Regionals and Residuals in Seismic Prospecting for Stratigraphic Features: ABSTRACT

M. B. Dobrin, W. G. Rimmer

Wide-Band Velocity Filtering--The Pie Slice Process: ABSTRACT

Peter Embree, John P. Burg, Milo M. Backus

Magnetic Characteristics of California Basement Rock Types: ABSTRACT

R. F. Flege, L. J. Parkinson, J. E. Beitzel, R. J. Sontag

Submarine Geology of Lasuen Bank: ABSTRACT

Gerald A. Fowler

Analysis Techniques and Signal Enhancement Methods Applied to Bellshill Lake Stratigraphic Trap Program: ABSTRACT

R. J. Graebner, D. F. Brennan

Subsurface Geology of the Northern San Joaquin Valley: ABSTRACT

Otto Hackel, Robert D. Hoffman

Distribution of Foraminifera in the Gulf of Thailand Sediments: ABSTRACT

Hideyo Haga

Structural Patterns Reflected in Soil Mantle Overlying Tertiary Rocks, Dasht-i-kavir Desert Basin, North-Central Iran: ABSTRACT

John C. Hazzard, William R. Moran

Distribution of Starkey Sand, Sacramento Valley, California: ABSTRACT

Ronald G. Heck, Anthony E. L. Morris

Upper Cretaceous Ostracode Faunule from Carlsbad, California: ABSTRACT

John C. Holden

Miocene-Pliocene Paleoecology of San Fernando Basin, California: ABSTRACT

James C. Ingle, Jr.

Stratigraphic Study of Some Eocene Sandstones, Northeastern Ventura Basin, California: ABSTRACT

Edward C. Jestes

Study of Core Resistivity Profiles and Their Bearing on Dipmeter Survey Interpretation by Computers: ABSTRACT

Z. V. Jizba

Gravity and Crustal Structure in Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho: ABSTRACT

Thomas R. LaFehr

Analog Model and Synthetic Seismogram Studies of Long Range Refraction Method: ABSTRACT

Stanley J. Laster, Richard Schell, Milo M. Backus

Sedimentology of Hudson Bay, Canada: ABSTRACT

Robert J. Leslie

Sedimentology of Nantucket Bay, Massachusetts: ABSTRACT

Louis Lidz

Foraminiferal Facts, Fallacies and Frontiers: ABSTRACT

Alfred R. Loeblich, Jr., Helen Tappan

Middle Cambrian Section in Vicinity of Currant Creek, Nevada: ABSTRACT

William W. Lumsden, Takeo Susuki

Exploration and Development of Geothermal Power in California: ABSTRACT

James R. McNitt

Rosedale Channel--Evidence for Late Miocene Submarine Erosion in Great Valley of California: ABSTRACT

Bruce D. Martin

Geologic Highlights--Easterly Extension of Wilmington Oil Field: ABSTRACT

M. N. Mayuga

Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Honduras: ABSTRACT

Richard A. Mills, K. E. Hugh, D. E. Feray, H. C. Swolfs

Regional Gravity Anomalies in Central California: ABSTRACT

H. W. Oliver, D. R. Mabey

Economic Trends in California Oil Industry: ABSTRACT

Samuel A. Patterson

Morphology, Sediments, and Geological History of Basins of Santa Maria Area, California: ABSTRACT

Lowell E. Redwine

Midland Fault, an Eocene Subsurface Fault, Delta area, California: ABSTRACT

Sargent M. Reynolds, Sargent T. Reynolds

Suspended Sediment in Southern California Waters: ABSTRACT

Kelvin S. Rodolfo

Petroleum Geology of Baja California, Mexico: ABSTRACT

Antonio Garcias Rojas

Delineating Low-Velocity Lenses: ABSTRACT

Frederick L. Schenck

Refraction Solutions by Wavefront Targeting: ABSTRACT

Frederick L. Schenck

Wide-Band Ghost Elimination: ABSTRACT

William Schneider, Milo M. Backus, John P. Burg, Earl C. Wisler

Permian Facies Relationships in Eastern Nevada: ABSTRACT

Calvin H. Stevens

Elastic Coefficients of Porous Rocks as Function of Effective Stresses: ABSTRACT

V. S. Tuman

Application of Paleomagnetism to Fault Problems in Southern Oregon: ABSTRACT

N. D. Watkins