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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 48 (1964)

Issue: 4. (April)

First Page: 518

Last Page: 518

Title: Relationship of Mineralization to Precambrian Stratigraphy in the Rocks of the Quebec-Labrador Trough: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Robert Bergeron

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Recent work and interpretation of age determinations now indicate that the rocks of the Quebec-Labrador Trough were laid down in a depression in granitic rocks and gneisses of the Superior Province. It is possible to correlate the stratigraphy for the southern and northern parts of the Trough. The following types of ore in relation to the stratigraphy have been established: (1) iron deposits related to the Sokoman (Iron) Formation; (2) pyrite deposits in sedimentary rocks with associated copper-zinc bodies containing some gold; (3) pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite deposits in gabbros with a low-to-moderate amount of nickel and small amounts of zinc and gold; and (4) chalcocite disseminated in dolomites.

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