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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 49 (1965)

Issue: 10. (October)

First Page: 1761

Last Page: 1762

Title: Origin of Redbeds, Unsolved Problems: ABSTRACT

Author(s): F. B. Van Houten

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The currently favored "primary detrital redbed" hypothesis requires modification as a general explanation.

The pigment in some redbeds probably was inherited from red upland soils, but the available data suggest that many redbeds were derived from tan to brown soil and alluvium.

Diagenetic processes played a significant role in (1) converting varied suites of clay minerals in brown alluvium to the dominant illite-chlorite suite in redbeds;

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(2) altering brown goethite and amorphous ferric oxide in mud to hematite pigment in mudstone; and (3) oxidizing inherited magnetite to specular hematite, and altering iron-bearing silicates which supplied some of the hematitic pigment.

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