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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 50 (1966)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1927

Last Page: 1947

Title: Paleoecology and Diagenesis of Key Largo Limestone, Florida

Author(s): Steven M. Stanley (2)


The Key Largo Limestone is a Pleistocene reef limestone that forms the upper Florida Keys. It consists of an organic framework of coral colonies and an interstitial skeletal calcarenite, both of which are homogeneous throughout the upper part of the formation.

The Pleistocene reef was formed chiefly by massive and rounded coral heads, the principal frame builder being Montastrea annularis. No organic zonation is visible perpendicular to the long axis of the reef. Both a well-sorted and a poorly sorted calcarenite facies can be distinguished. The poorly sorted facies, which predominates, surrounds coral heads and is characterized by its high calcilutite content. The well-sorted facies forms channel deposits between coral buildups. In organic composition, the ancient Key Largo reef is roughly equivalent to the deep-water Montastrea annularis zones of living West Indian bank reefs and to West Indian patch reefs. It grew under semi-restricted conditions, possibly as a series of coalescing patch reefs, but more probably below the surf zone in op n water, where it spread laterally over large areas of the sea floor.

The constituent composition of the two calcarenite facies indicates that aragonite and high-magnesium calcite originally were the chief mineralogic components. Fossils that initially were high-magnesium calcite have been altered in place to low-magnesium calcite through the removal of excess magnesium by fresh water in the meteoric zone; such fossils have otherwise remained intact. Aragonit, on the other hand, currently is being dissolved in the meteoric zone, and the dissolved CaCO3 is being redeposited near the site of dissolution as low-magnesium calcite cement. Many fossils that originally were aragonite now remain only as molds of sparry calcite. The rate of aragonite dissolution and calcite cementation is accelerated by artificial exposure. The diagenetic fabrics exhi ited by the Key Largo Limestone should be useful in recognizing ancient limestone units that were subjected to subaerial exposure soon after deposition.

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