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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 54 (1970)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 855

Last Page: 856

Title: Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Occurrence of Calcium Sulfate Minerals: ABSTRACT

Author(s): David J. J. Kinsman

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The subsurface distribution of gypsum and Previous HitanhydriteNext Hit, the lack of subsurface bassanite, and variations in trace-element ratios between mineral phases confirm experimentally determined stability relations and indicate that the replacement of one mineral phase by another proceeds by a dissolution-reprecipitation process. The earth surface occurrence of calcium sulfate minerals indicates that long-lived metastability is almost the rule and that in many situations kinetic factors dominate over equilibrium controls. In a standing body of brine, gypsum apparently is the only phase precipitated, either at the brine-air interface with elongate growth forms indicative of rapid rate of crystal growth, or at the brine-sediment interface, commonly as cemented layers of discs with thei c crystallographic axes almost horizontal. Significant Previous HitanhydriteNext Hit deposits are known today only from the warmer salt-flat or sabkha environments of the Persian Gulf and Baja California, precipitated interstitially within host sediments as an early diagenetic mineral. The Previous HitanhydriteNext Hit is present as contorted layers and nodules, commonly with a felted lath texture. These structures, textures, and other associations are characteristic of Previous HitanhydriteNext Hit occurrences.

Experimental studies and Holocene gypsum and Previous HitanhydriteNext Hit occurrences provide the information needed to determine which mineral was formed first in a particular situation. Where gypsum is the mineral buried, when and at what depth did it dehydrate, in which direction did the large volumes of dehydration water move, and what diagenetic effects did this dehydration water have on adjacent rocks and pore fluids? Where

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Previous HitanhydriteTop is the mineral buried, when did it lose its large primary porosity, and has it recrystallized since initial formation? By (1) defining the first-formed mineral and its structures, textures, and chemical composition and (2) making analogous studies of ancient subsurface calcium sulfate minerals, we can, hopefully, answer some of these questions.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists