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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Realization of the oil and gas wealth in Canada's North has been, and will continue to be limited by difficult logistic problems and attendant costs.
During the past decade, however, there has been a continuous improvement in the northern infrastructure, including community development, communications and, most notably, in transportation, which have served to reduce greatly the cost of logistic requirements. Roads suitable for year-round use are complemented by roads suitable in the winter. Barge transportation on the Mackenzie River has greatly expanded, as has commercial sea-lift to the Arctic Islands in the summer months. Cargo aircraft, both fixed and rotating wing, carry bulky and heavy loads and land and take off on water, or on improvised airstrips on land and ice on river or sea, adding a surprising degree of flexibility in transportation. Large diameter pipelines may be built on the permafrost of the Arctic region for chea transport of crude oil and gas to Canada's Arctic or Pacific seacoast, or to southern interior markets.
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