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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 56 (1972)

Issue: 3. (March)

First Page: 624

Last Page: 624

Title: Gulf Coast Photogeologic Applications: ABSTRACT

Author(s): E. F. Haye

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A practical approach to air photo interpretation for subsurface geologists and geophysicists working in the Gulf coastal plain documents the dynamic nature of the Gulf coast surface. Surface-subsurface relations include up- and down-to-coast fault situations and their surface expressions and an explanation is given for the surface indications of deeper structure where it is not reflected in the shallow beds by seismic and well data.

The specific photogeologic criteria used for recognition of surface structure in the Gulf Coast can be demonstrated by air photos of oil fields from South Texas, North and South Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. These air photos are from areas of current exploration interest such as Flomaton in southwest Alabama, the Cretaceous reef trend in central Louisiana, and the Sunniland field in south Florida, as well as some undrilled prospect situations. There are practical ways in which surface information can be used to advantage in geophysical and geological prospecting.

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