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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 56 (1972)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1749

Last Page: 1792

Title: Petroleum Developments in Central and Southern Africa in 1971

Author(s): Augusto Cortesini (2), John R. Minner (2)


This review covers 44 African countries excluding Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Sudan.

Party-months of surface exploration were: surface geology 75.8; seismograph 334.3; gravimeter 25.8; magnetometer 24.4; photogeology 44.0; and structural drilling 10.6; for a total of 514.9.

Exploratory drilling increased to 142 wildcats with 23.1% success. Discoveries were made in Angola (3 oil, 1 gas); Congo (Brazzaville) (1 gas); Gabon (3 oil, 1 gas); Nigeria (22 oil, 1 gas); and Zaire (1 oil). A total of 27 unsuccessful wildcats was drilled in 10 other countries.

A total of 247 development wells, with a success of 81.8%, was drilled in Angola, Congo (Brazzaville), Gabon, Nigeria, and Zaire. Total footage drilled increased to 3,375,929 ft (1,028,977 m). As of December 31, 1971, 52 rigs were operating.

Total annual oil production increased about 36% to 641,621,514 bbl, with an average rate of 1,757,867 b/d. Nigeria increased production 41.5%, but Angola and Gabon recorded only modest gains. Total annual gas production, after correction of previous reports, showed an increase in excess of 100% to 491,857 MMcf (1,346 MMCFD).

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