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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 57 (1973)

Issue: 2. (February)

First Page: 432

Last Page: 432

Title: Rinconada Previous HitFaultNext Hit in Southern Coast Ranges, California and Its Significance: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr.

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Rinconada Previous HitfaultNext Hit near Santa Margarita is a major northwest-trending, high-angle Previous HitfaultNext Hit that separates a terrane of granitic basement on the northeast from one of Franciscan basement on the southwest. Southeastward from Santa Margarita this Previous HitfaultNext Hit extends continuously into the "Nacimiento" Previous HitfaultNext Hit across Cuyama Gorge to intersect the Big Pine Previous HitfaultNext Hit in the San Rafael Mountains. Northwestward the Rinconada Previous HitfaultNext Hit does not extend into the Nacimiento Previous HitfaultNext Hit near the Nacimiento River, as presumed, but veers northward through Paso Robles into a line of faults locally called San Marcos, Jolon, and Espinosa faults, nearly to Reliz Canyon west of King City.

Detailed mapping reveals that all these aligned faults are parts of one major Previous HitfaultNext Hit, 160 mi long. Therefore, it is proposed to call it the Rinconada Previous HitfaultNext Hit. It is separated by a 2-mi gap from the Reliz Previous HitfaultNext Hit, aligned northwest along the base of Sierra de Salinas. The Rinconada Previous HitfaultNext Hit, as defined herein, is nearly parallel with, and about 22 mi southwest, of the San Andreas Previous HitfaultNext Hit. Southeastward from Santa Margarita the Rinconada Previous HitfaultNext Hit is along the southwestern border of the Salinia block; northwestward from that town it extends into this block. Drag folding along and near the Rinconada Previous HitfaultTop indicates right-lateral movement. Much of this movement occurred before deposition of the Paso Robles Formation. Strata of Miocene and early Pliocene ages are offset about 11 mi near Paso Robles; tho e of Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary age are offset nearly 40 mi.

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