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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Geologic Structure and Oil and Gas Prospects of USSR Continental Shelf

N. A. Eremenko , Ya. P. Malovitskiy , I. S. Gramberg , L. I. Lebedev

Currents Along Floors of Submarine Canyons

Francis P. Shepard , Neil F. Marshall

Sedimentary Facies and Plate Tectonics of Equatorial Pacific

Edward L. Winterer

Middle Silurian Patch Reefs in Gasport Member (Lockport Formation), New York

Donald J. Crowley

Lithologic Gradients in Marine Bar, Cadeville Sand, Calhoun Field, Louisiana

Frank A. Exum

Interstitial Water Composition and Geochemistry of Deep Gulf Coast Shales and Sandstones

Gene W. Schmidt

Experimental Diagenesis of Gulf Coast Argillaceous Sediment

R. R. Hiltabrand , R. E. Ferrell , G. K. Billings

Influence of Texture on Porosity and Permeability of Unconsolidated Sand

D. C. Beard , P. K. Weyl

Variations in Morphology of Major River Deltas as Functions of Ocean Wave and River Discharge Regimes

L. D. Wright , J. M. Coleman

Carbonate Petrography by Pattern Recognition: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

C. D. Conley , J. C. Davis

Revision of Mid-Tertiary Stratigraphy of Southwestern Puerto Rico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

George A. Sieglie

Submerged Reefs of Eastern Caribbean: DISCUSSION

Howard A. Meyerhoff

Submerged Reefs of Eastern Caribbean: REPLY

Ian G. Macintyre

Mainstream Mantle Convection: a Geologic Analysis of Plate Motion: DISCUSSION

Z. F. Danes

Smackover Stratigraphic Traps--New Production in Old Areas: ABSTRACT

J. J. Amoruso

Fluvial, Deltaic, and Slope Reservoir Sandstone in West-Central Texas: ABSTRACT

R. R. Bloomer

Geology of Oriente Region of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru: ABSTRACT

O. J. Buis, K. Hall

Ekofisk Field, Its Geology and Petrography: ABSTRACT

D. W. Dalrymple

Application of Reservoir-Pressure Data in Prospecting: ABSTRACT

P. A. Dickey, L. Masroua

Tectonic Evolution of Val Verde-Delaware Basin, Texas: ABSTRACT

J. G. Elam

Formation Evaluation with Logs in Deep Anadarko Basin: ABSTRACT

R. W. Frank

Depositional Anticlines of Deep Environments--Past Success and Future Exploration: ABSTRACT

M. E. Hennes

Regional Depositional Model for Early Pennsylvanian of Central Texas: ABSTRACT

R. S. Kier

Petroleum Generation in Gulf Coast Tertiary Sediments: ABSTRACT

R. E. Laplante

Silurian-Devonian of West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico: ABSTRACT

E. H. McGlasson

Subsurface Geology of Basal Atokan Sandstone, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT

M. McQuillan

Stereo and Mosaic Aerial Photo Study of Central Ouachita Mountain System in Oklahoma and Arkansas: ABSTRACT

F. A. Melton, K. S. Johnson

Plate Tectonics and New Proposed Intercontinental Reconstruction: ABSTRACT

C. L. Rowett, J. L. Walper

Politics and the Geoscientist in Environmental Decade: ABSTRACT

R. L. Shipman

Files and the Computer--Exploration Tools for 1970s: ABSTRACT

P. H. Stark

Depositional Topography--Sedimentation Model for Explorationists: ABSTRACT

D. C. Van Siclen

Energy and Environmental Impact from Development of Oil Shale and Associated Minerals: ABSTRACT

B. E. Weichman

Sedimentary Environments and Occurrence of Major Hydrocarbon Accumulations: ABSTRACT

H. Yarborough, Jr.

Platform Carbonate Deposition of Lower Marble Falls Formation of Central Texas: ABSTRACT

D. L. Zachry

Oligocene and Miocene Molluscan Stages, Temblor Range, California: ABSTRACT

W. O. Addicott

Late Paleogene-Neogene Planktonic Biostratigraphy and Its Geologic Implications, California: ABSTRACT

Orville L. Bandy

Foraminiferal Paleontology of Upper Miocene in Ocean City Area, Grays Harbor County, Washington: ABSTRACT

F. W. Bergen, K. J. Bird

Criteria for Biostratigraphic Correlation: ABSTRACT

William B. N. Berry

Dellwood Seamount Area, Possible New Spreading Center, and Other Tectonic Features of Pacific Ocean West of British Columbia: ABSTRACT

W. G. Bertrand, R. L. Chase, A. G. Thomlinson, S. M. Barr

Future Oil and Gas Potential of Santa Maria Basin: ABSTRACT

Ralph Cahill

Depositional and Tectonic History of Tertiary Sequence on Continental Margin of British Columbia: ABSTRACT

B. E. B. Cameron, D. L. Tiffin

Radiolarian Definition and Paleoecology of Late Miocene to Early Pliocene in Southern California: ABSTRACT

Richard E. Casey, Anthony B. Price, Charles A. Swift

Interpretation of Miocene Shallow Marine Depositional Environments Using Sedimentary Structures: ABSTRACT

H. Edward Clifton

Gravity and Structure of Continental Margin: Oregon to Southeastern Alaska: ABSTRACT

Richard Couch

Rinconada Fault in Southern Coast Ranges, California and Its Significance: ABSTRACT

Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr.

Use of Phosphates in Search for Oil: ABSTRACT

Paul Dickerts

Sirenians in West Coast Marine Stratigraphy: ABSTRACT

Daryl P. Domning

Discovery and Development of Sawtelle Oil Field: ABSTRACT

S. Eschner, M. K. Scribner

Reexamination of Mohnian Type Section: ABSTRACT

David W. Ford

Late Cenozoic Stratigraphy and Structure of Oregon Continental Margin in Framework of Plate Tectonics: ABSTRACT

G. A. Fowler, L. D. Kulm

Structure of Miocene Rocks in Sierra Madre, Northeastern Santa Barbara County, California: ABSTRACT

A. Eugene Fritsche

Why Explore the Northeast Margins of Los Angeles Basin?: ABSTRACT

Keith E. Green, Manuel J. Castro

Geology and Future Petroleum Potential, Ventura Basin, California: ABSTRACT

K. B. Hall

Geology of Sacramento Basin and Its Future Gas Possibilities: ABSTRACT

Robert D. Hoffman

Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Early Miocene Through Early Pleistocene Benthonic and Planktonic Foraminifera, San Joaquin Hills-Newport Bay, Orange County, California: ABSTRACT

James C. Ingle, Jr.

Energy and Our Fossil Fuels: ABSTRACT

Stanley E. Karp

Historical Review of Early Pacific Coast Micropaleontology: ABSTRACT

Robert M. Kleinpell

Late Eocene to Early Miocene Passage Along Southern Perimeter of San Joaquin Valley, California: ABSTRACT

J. L. Lamb, R. L. Hickernell

Calcareous Nannoplankton Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology in Oligo-Miocene of California: ABSTRACT

Jere H. Lipps, Maurice Kalisky

Sedimentology of Type Tejon Formation of San Emigdio Mountains, California: ABSTRACT

Tor H. Nilsen

Subsurface Study of Foraminiferal Fauna of Vaqueros Sandstone, Rincon Shale, and Lower Monterey Formation, from Elwood Oil Field, Santa Barbara County, California: ABSTRACT

Alix Patet

Miocene Vertebrate Geochronology of West Coast of North America: ABSTRACT

Donald E. Savage, Lawrence G. Barnes

History of Seismic Exploration-Santa Barbara Channel: ABSTRACT

F. E. Schultz

Palynology of Montesano Formation (Upper Miocene) of Western Washington: ABSTRACT

D. M. Sparks, W. Waloweek, R. A. Ballog

Future Petroleum Possibilities of Los Angeles Basin: ABSTRACT

Howard E. Stark

Zemorrian and Saucesian (Oligo-Miocene) Foraminiferal Sequences in Subsurface, Southwestern San Joaquin Valley, California: ABSTRACT

Ann Tipton

Review of Stratigraphic Names and Megafaunal Correlation of Pliocene Rocks Along Southeast Margin of Los Angeles Basin, California: ABSTRACT

J. G. Vedder

Luisian and Mohnian Biostratigraphy of Monterey Shale at Newport Lagoon, Orange County, California: ABSTRACT

A. D. Warren

Exploratory Techniques Along Markley Gorge, Sacramento Valley, California: ABSTRACT

Frank E. Weagant, Rodney Nahama

Formations and Age--Subdivisions of West Coast Middle Tertiary: ABSTRACT

D. W. Weaver, A. Tipton

Ecology and The Energy Industry: ABSTRACT

James R. Weddle

Historical Geology of the Pacific: ABSTRACT

Edward L. Winterer

Late Miocene and Early Pliocene Correlations in California Province: ABSTRACT

Walt W. Wornardt, Jr.