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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 57 (1973)

Issue: 4. (April)

First Page: 767

Last Page: 768

Title: Chemical Coefficients for Iron, Manganese, Lead, Zinc, and Copper in River Water and Suspended Load, and Mineralogic Composition of Suspended Load of Selected Kansas River Systems: ABSTRACT

Author(s): E. E. Angino

Article Type: Meeting abstract


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Concentration levels of the elements in a suspended load, when compared to average reported values for shales, show iron and manganese to be low. The other elements are higher. Values for these elements in the dissolved part are variable, possibly reflecting lithologic differences. Correlation coefficients indicate little relation between trace element content and season in most Kansas streams. X-ray diffraction study of the mineralogic content of the suspended load indicated that montmorillonite was the clay mineral present in all cases. Other minerals present in almost all samples were calcite and quartz. Gypsum, dolomite, feldspar, illite, and kaolinite were present in lesser amounts in some samples. Some question of the source of specific trace elements in these stream waters exis s. For nickel and lead, however, pollution is considered the most likely source. Some evidence is present to suggest that the major source of lead is fallout from the atmosphere. The data for partition coefficients suggest that nickel, lead, copper, and zinc are being strongly adsorbed onto the suspended load. The data are less certain for iron and manganese. The iron and manganese levels in the suspended loads of all streams are not unusual. Copper, nickel, lead, and zinc clearly are being concentrated by the suspended load. One source of copper and zinc may be from trace-element nutrient fertilizers.

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