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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 63 (1979)

Issue: 3. (March)

First Page: 409

Last Page: 409

Title: Previous HitMechanismsNext Hit of Formation Damage in Diagenetically Altered Sandstones: ABSTRACT

Author(s): William R. Almon

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Diagenetically altered sandstones ("shaly sands") are extremely susceptible to formation damage during drilling, completion, stimulation, or enhanced-recovery operations. This susceptibility arises because of the development of diagenetic minerals within the pore system and because of physical and chemical interactions between the diagenetic minerals and the injected fluids.

Formation-damage Previous HitmechanismsNext Hit can be separated into three groups: mechanical, chemical, and physical. The mechanical Previous HitmechanismsNext Hit include migrating clays, swelling clays, and sloughing clays. The chemical Previous HitmechanismsNext Hit include dissolution of minerals and precipitation of minerals. Physical Previous HitmechanismsNext Hit of formation include emulsion blockages or water blockages.

The scanning electron microscope allows the geologist or engineer to observe directly the Previous HitmechanismsNext Hit for formation damage in a Previous HitreservoirTop and to design his treatment accordingly. The SEM can also be used to observe the effects of well treatments and evaluate their success or failure.

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