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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 63 (1979)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1600

Last Page: 1600

Title: Interpretive Well-Logging Concepts Previous HitSolveNext Hit South Texas Formation-Evaluation Problems: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Walter H. Fertl

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Proper selection and application of properly calibrated well logs provides valuable information for exploration, drilling, and reservoir engineering. Interpretive log-derived concepts allow determination of subsurface pressure, temperature, and salinity variations, define the type of depositional environment, and evaluate the production Previous HitpotentialNext Hit of clastic and carbonate reservoir rocks. Overpressure detection and pore-pressure evaluation are of further assistance. Gamma-ray spectral-logging techniques have located permeable and/or fractured reservoir intervals in the Cretaceous carbonate trend (Austin Chalk, Eagle Ford Shale, and Buda Limestone), to determine the source-rock Previous HitpotentialTop of shales, and the type of clay minerals present. A new method allows a reliable log-de ived estimate of the cation exchange capacity and hence improved water saturation estimates in shaly, hydrocarbon-bearing clastic reservoir rocks.

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