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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 64 (1980)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 694

Last Page: 694

Title: Introduction (to SEPM Research Symposium): Source Beds--Depositional Environments and Early Diagenesis: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Robert J. Cordell

Article Type: Meeting abstract


In recent years, symposia and publications on hydrocarbon source beds have dealt primarily with organic geochemical and late diagenetic aspects. The present symposium is designed to balance the source-bed approach with treatment of depositional-environmental and early diagenetic factors.

The first two presentations discuss kerogen as an indicator of depositional environments; and the next three topics examine, respectively, source type shales, source type carbonates, and the evaporitic environment.

Subsequent papers are arranged by geologic age, commencing with studies in the Holocene to late Tertiary, and moving to progressively older strata. This younger-to-older stratigraphic order permits the coverage to begin with examples in which direct or quasi-direct environmental verification is possible, and to follow with investigations in which the evidence is indirect. In this sequence of stratigraphically restricted papers, most of the lithic examples are shales, mudstones, or other argillaceous rocks.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists