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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 64 (1980)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 695

Last Page: 696

Title: Application of Regional Geochemical Data to Uranium Exploration: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Ralph D. D'Andrea, Jr., Don L. Shettel, Jr., Richard J. Zinkl

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Hydrogeochemical and stream-sediment reconnaissance data generated by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Uranium Resource Evaluation program can be used to identify geologic environments favorable for uranium or base metal deposits.

Open-filed analytical data for 1 × 2° NTMS quadrangles are obtained on Previous HitmagneticTop tape from Oak Ridge National Laboratory and transferred to disk for interactive computer use. Data may then be organized into subsets according to sample type, geologic, or physiographic units; smoothed using block or nearest-neighbor averaging techniques; and power transformed to normalize frequency distributions. Multivariate statistical techniques, including principal component, discriminant, and multiple regression analyses, aid in interpretation. A contrast filter may be used to identify areas that are significantly different from their local background.

Machine-generated color or black and white maps are produced from raw elemental analyses, elemental ratios, and statistical parameters such as factor scores and multiple regression residuals. The data may be represented at any scale, using a variety of symbol or color schemes designed to cartographically enhance the appearance of anomalous areas.

Results of the geochemical interpretation are used to select target areas several tens of square kilometers in size. Examples from the Colorado Plateau and other areas illustrate how the interpretive techniques are used.

Both the data and data analysis techniques have wide application in mineral exploration. Because of the extensive suite of elements represented, the data can be

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beneficial to any organization involved in frontier exploration for uranium or base metals.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists