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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 64 (1980)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 698

Last Page: 698

Title: How Geologic Objectives Should Determine Seismic Field Design: ABSTRACT

Author(s): L. R. Denham, H. Neal Reeves, R. E. Sheriff

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The geologist needs to take an active part in seismic field design so that the results of the seismic survey will answer his questions as clearly as possible. Geologic objectives should provide the basis for field design. A systematic procedure is outlined where the field parameters are defined by (1) the depth of objectives, (2) the expected dip, (3) the required resolution, and (4) signal-to-noise considerations.

Optimizing seismic data quality requires proper design of field acquisition parameters as well as proper execution of the field work. Field parameters are usually chosen as "those that were used last time," even though these may not have been Previous HitoptimumTop or may have been constrained by hardware considerations that no longer apply. Furthermore, the geologic objectives may have changed.

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