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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 64 (1980)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1568

Last Page: 1568

Title: Seismic-Stratigraphic Mapping of Gulf Coast Stratigraphic Traps: ABSTRACT

Author(s): John A. Ward

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The mappability of a seismic-stratigraphic trap depends not only on the thickness and the stratigraphic position of the objective unit, but the velocity contrast with nearby beds. Analysis of band-pass filtered sonic logs provides a useful technique for determining the portion of the frequency spectrum that carries the basic stratigraphic information. Depending on local stratigraphy, both high (75 to 125 hz) and low (0 to 10 hz) frequency components may be important in defining the trap. The filtered sonic can be used to predict the seismic mappability of stratigraphic units.

Review of seismic-stratigraphic Previous HitdataNext Hit over fields in the Gulf Coast indicates that determining the mappability of a feature depends on complete understanding of the trap. At Walker Creek Previous HitfieldNext Hit, Smackover porosity is not resolved with a 60-hz filtered sonic. Because the basic reservoir-seal relation is low frequency, however, the Previous HitfieldNext Hit limits are clearly expressed on real seismic-stratigraphic Previous HitdataNext Hit. Alternatively, recognition of the pinch-out of the 20-ft (6.1 m) thick Spanish Camp Sand at South Lissie Previous HitfieldNext Hit serves as an excellent Previous HitexampleTop of a trap expressed as a high frequency feature.

These simple examples illustrate clearly that both high and low frequency components are required for successful seismic mapping of Gulf Coast stratigraphic traps.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists