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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 65 (1981)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 900

Last Page: 900

Title: Origin of Thin, Previous HitSiliceousNext Hit Beds in Monterey Shale, Elk Hills Field, California: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Robert R. Berg, D. G. Kersey

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Miocene Monterey Shale consists of thinly interbedded black shale and Previous HitsiliceousNext Hit beds in a section 1,800 ft (550 m) thick on the western anticline, Elk Hills field. Selected full-diameter cores were examined through the upper section west of, and partly equivalent to, the Stevens Oil Zone sandstones. The Previous HitsiliceousNext Hit beds are commonly 1 to 5 cm, and rarely 8 to 10 cm, thick. The beds are generally structureless or contain a few indistinct laminae. Bases are in sharp contact with underlying shale, and some tops are gradational to overlying shale. In a few beds, the uppermost parts show curved laminae that represent low-amplitude ripples. Therefore, the beds seem to be distal turbidites composed of common, massive A divisions and rare, rippled C divisions.

Many beds have a fine granular, graded texture with a thin basal zone of coarser detritus. The beds are composed of finely-crystalline, Previous HitsiliceousNext Hit material, in some places partly replaced by dolomite(?). Petrographic study shows a significant content of fine sand to silt-size detritus. In a typical graded sequence, grains of quartz, plagioclase, and rock fragments form a thin lag at the base where they comprise more than 50% of the rock and have an average size of 0.13 mm. Detrital grains decrease upward to less than 3% at the top, and average size decreases to 0.05 mm.

The thin, regularly bedded nature of the section, significant detrital content, and graded texture suggest that the Previous HitsiliceousNext Hit beds are turbidity-current deposits. The Previous HitsiliceousTop component was probably pelagic, diatomaceous sediment from the basin floor that was incorporated in turbidity flows, transported a short distance, and redeposited with terrigenous detritus in massive A divisions of the turbidite sequence. Alternatively, subsequent recrystallization destroyed original lamination and produced the structureless beds.

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