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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 65 (1981)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 947

Last Page: 948

Title: Imaging Beneath Complex Structure: Case History: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Ken Larner, Bruce Gibson, Ron Chambers

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Migration is recognized as the essential step in converting seismic data into a representation of the earth's subsurface structure. Ironically, conventional migration commonly fails where migration is needed most--when the data are recorded over complex structures. Processing field data shot in Central America and synthetic data derived for that section

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demonstrates that time migration actually degrades the image of the deep structure that lies below a complicated overburden.

In the Central American example, velocities increase nearly twofold across an arched and thrust-faulted interface. Previous HitWavefrontNext Hit distortion introduced by this feature gives rise to distorted reflections from Previous HitdepthNext Hit. Even with interval Previous HitvelocityNext Hit known perfectly, no Previous HitvelocityNext Hit is proper for time migrating the data here; time migration is the wrong process because it does not honor Snell's law. Previous HitDepthNext Hit migration of the stacked data, however, produces a reasonable image of the deeper section. The Previous HitdepthNext Hit migration, however, leaves artifacts that could be attributed to problems that are common in structurally complicated areas: (1) departures of the stacked section from the ideal, a zero-offset section, (2) incorrect specification of velocities, and (3) loss of energy transmitted through the complex z ne.

For such an inhomogeneous Previous HitvelocityNext Hit structure, shortcomings in CDP stacking are directly related to highly non-hyperbolic moveout. As with migration Previous HitvelocityNext Hit, no proper stacking Previous HitvelocityNext Hit can be developed for these data, even from the known interval-Previous HitvelocityNext Hit model. Proper treatment of nonzero-offset reflection data could be accomplished by Previous HitdepthNext Hit migration before stacking. Simple ray-theoretical correction of the complex moveouts, however, can produce a stack that is similar to the desired zero-offset section.

Overall, the choice of Previous HitvelocityNext Hit model most strongly influences the results of Previous HitdepthNext Hit migration. Processing the data with a range of plausible Previous HitvelocityNext Hit models, however, leads to an important conclusion: although the velocities can never be known exactly, Previous HitdepthTop migration is essential for clarifying structure beneath complex overburden.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists