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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 65 (1981)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 1001

Last Page: 1002

Title: Sedimentary Facies Analysis, El Dorado Field, Kansas, Micellar Chemical Pilot Project: ABSTRACT

Author(s): R. W. Tillman, D. W. Jordan

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Permian 650-ft sand, one of several productive sands in the El Dorado field, has yielded 36.5 million bbl by primary and secondary methods, with 71 million bbl remaining. During initial stages of the micellar-polymer tertiary recovery pilot project drilling in 1974, a Previous HitPhaseNext Hit I geologic analysis, using seven cores, identified distributary channels and associated smaller splay channels as productive facies. The western edge of the pilot area was determined to have the best channel sandstone development. A two-layer geologic facies model was proposed.

Oriented cores were included in the drilling of 24 wells in Previous HitPhaseNext Hit II. North and northeast flow directions were indicated for the channel sandstones. The influence of intertidal redistribution of sands, particularly in the northern lease area, was recognized, as were inactive channel fill mud plugs which reduced the total thickness of the channel sandstone reservoir.

During Previous HitPhaseNext Hit III four observation wells were cored. These wells were drilled at intervals of 90 ft (27 m) diagonally from earlier wells in the north and south block. Micellar injection for the pilot was completed in early 1979 and polymer injection followed.

Limited computer simulation tests suggested that a one-layer model yielded fluid flow results similar to a multi-layer model and also indicated that the oil bank would bypass one of the observation wells. Cores analyzed in Previous HitPhaseNext Hit III indicated no reason to expect that the observation well should not produce the amounts of hydrocarbons indicated by log analysis. Detailed description of cores and construction of cross sections in

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Previous HitPhaseTop III have confirmed the complex nature of the oil-bearing facies. Furthermore, SEM and thin section analyses have determined additional controls on fluid flow, mainly reduction in permeability by ductile rock fragment deformation and intergranular clay and mica.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists