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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 65 (1981)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 1007

Last Page: 1008

Title: File Management System for Resource Evaluation in Frontier Area--National Petroleum Reserves of Alaska Case Study: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Larry A. Wilcox, J. D. Fitzgerald

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A computerized geologic data base can by used to evaluate petroleum resources in a frontier province. The National Petroleum Reserve of Alaska (NPRA) covers 37,000 sq mi (96,000 sq km) on the Arctic slope west of Prudhoe Bay. In 1977, the U.S. Geological Survey was assigned responsibility to determine the hydrocarbon and mineral resources in NPRA. Significant petroleum resources were thought to be present, but were not substantiated by sparse wildcat and stratigraphic test wells. A comprehensive data acquisition program including seismic, gravity, surface geology, stratigraphic test wells, geochemistry, paleontology, petrography, and borehole logs was defined to support the study. Although lower than 125 wells were involved, large and diverse amounts of Previous HitinterpretiveTop data ere generated and evaluated by associated field and laboratory analyses. Consequently, a computer data management system was developed to capture, edit, maintain, retrieve, and display various combinations of data on a minicomputer. The system includes an online daily drilling file, digital base map, well data file, digitized borehole logs, outcrop descriptions, organic geochemistry, paleontology, petrography, seismic, and gravity. Subsystems permit stratigraphers, paleontologists, and geochemists to process and display their individual files. The data management system permits the interpreter to combine data from multiple files and to generate reports, histograms, maps, and graphical displays. Benefits of the computerized system for evaluation

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of NPRA are defined and illustrated with examples of applications that are used to determine resource potential.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists