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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 65 (1981)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 1013

Last Page: 1013

Title: Geomorphic Controls on Course of Juniata River in Valley and Ridge Province, Pennsylvania: ABSTRACT

Author(s): H. Kirk Grander

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Structural and lithologic factors affect stream-flow patterns of the Juniata River, a cross-axial superimposed consequent stream, in the Valley and Ridge province of Pennsylvania. From an examination of the influence of folding, Previous HitfaultingNext Hit, and jointing upon the course of this stream and its major tributaries through a succession of points and reaches, the various means have been identified by which its course is determined across both weak and resistant rock deformed into a variety of geometric attitudes. Jointing, thrust Previous HitfaultingNext Hit, normal and reverse Previous HitfaultingNext Hit, superimposition, subsequent stream development, and monoclinal shifting in the classic sense of Gilbert are the geomorphic controls. No one control is dominant, all being effective, owing to the complexity of the joi ting, folding, and Previous HitfaultingTop of the region. Monoclinal shifting will probably dominate as the principal geomorphic control in the geologic future.

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