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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 65 (1981)

Issue: 7. (July)

First Page: 1359

Last Page: 1359

Title: Subsurface Temperatures, Sacramento Valley, California: Guide to F-Zone (Forbes) Gas Accumulations: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Frederick A. F. Berry

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A complicated hydrodynamic system exists in the Sacramento Valley. Abnormally high fluid potentials are present regionally owing to regional tectonic forces as shown by previous studies. Certain parts of the Colusa basin in the Sacramento Valley have significant near-vertical fractures which permit the rapid ascent of deep waters under channel-flow conditions, and thus with a minimum loss of fluid potentials. The traps for the erratic F-zone (Forbes) gas accumulations are critically dependent, both laterally and vertically, upon the existence of these high fluid potentials as barriers to gas migration.

Advective water transport occurs along these near-vertical fractures under nearly isothermal conditions. The Previous HitmagnitudeTop of the thermal anomalies caused by this transport is so large that the fracture-high potential features can be detected with conventional maximum temperature readings from well logs despite the considerable error in such values. Well log temperature data are much more readily available than accurate subsurface pressure data. Thus, practical exploration for these elusive gas accumulations is facilitated greatly through mapping the subsurface temperature regimes.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists