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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 65 (1981)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1685

Last Page: 1685

Title: Genetic Characterization of Recent and Ancient Sabkha Systems: ABSTRACT

Author(s): C. Robertson Handford

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Ever since modern sabkhas were introduced to the geologic community and perceived as a concept applicable to ancient facies analysis, the literature has abounded with reports of inferred sabkha facies, many of which were compared with the modern Trucial Coast model of sabkha sedimentation. However, this Previous HitwellNext Hit-described model probably has been overworked and stretched too far to be directly applicable to many ancient shallow-water to supratidal evaporite sequences. This predicament has risen partly because there is relatively little detailed information available on other modern sabkhas, despite the fact that there are other sabkhas around the world, few if any exhibiting the same characteristics as those of the Trucial Coast.

Because all major depositional systems, such as marine deltas, for example (Galloway, 1975), exhibit a continuous spectrum of morphologic Previous HittypesNext Hit, it must be recognized too that not all sabkhas are the same. They show significant variations in terms of physical processes that govern their development, and of the sedimentary responses to those processes. Thus, sabkhas should be distinguished or characterized on a genetic basis to prevent oversimplification and overuse of any one model.

On the basis of dominant physical processes, three end members are recognized: (1) marine-, (2) fluvial-lacustrine-, and (3) eolian-dominated systems. Collectively, they may be displayed in a triangle diagram, upon which the positions of Recent sabkha systems can be superimposed. In general, playas fall into the fluvial-lacustrine-dominated field, interdune sabkhas are eolian-dominated, and coastal sabkhas are normally dominated by marine processes.

Marine processes are mainly storm-, spring-, and wind-tidal flooding, and discharge of marine-derived brines at the sabkha surface. Playas, as Previous HitwellNext Hit as some coastal sabkhas, are dominated by fluvial-lacustrine processes. Alluvial fans, flanking the landward side of coastal sabkhas and surrounding playa basins, contribute most of the sediment and consist of aquifers through which continental ground water flows, dissolves minerals, and discharges at the sabkha surface as saline brines. Wind, the third major process, is a factor in any sabkha, but is especially prevalent in interdune deflation depressions in both continental and coastal settings. It removes sediment above the ground-water table and enhances evaporation, resulting in precipitation of evaporites in interdune sediment.

Sediment composition is the other significant factor in characterizing sabkha Previous HittypesNext Hit. Carbonate-sulfate minerals (gypsum-anhydrite), soluble salts (halite, sylvite, polyhalite, etc), and terrigenous clastics are the dominant sedimentary components of sabkhas, but most are either dominated or distinguished by one or a mixture of those sediment Previous HittypesNext Hit. By treating each of the three major sediment Previous HittypesNext Hit as an end member, sediment variation between sabkhas can be displayed.

A genetic examination of sabkha systems clearly reveals that the Trucial Coast is only one end member to a spectrum of sabkha Previous HittypesTop, both in terms of physical processes and sediment composition. Thus, care must be taken when comparing modern and ancient sabkha systems to correctly characterize the processes responsible for deposition of the strata in question and the dominant sediment composition.

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