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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 66 (1982)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 545

Last Page: 546

Title: Carapebus Member (Eocene), Campos Basin, Brazilian Offshore: An Example of Deep-Sea Fan Turbidites Winnowed by Bottom Currents: ABSTRACT

Author(s): M. C. Barros, S. Possato, L. R. Guardado, E. Mutti

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Carapebus Member (Eocene), Campos basin, offshore

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Brazil, consists of coarse-grained turbidite sand bodies enclosed by pelitic deposits. The turbidite sands represent a major oil reservoir in the Brazilian offshore. On the basis of core analysis, E-log correlation patterns, and seismic data, these sand bodies are interpreted as original deep-sea fan sediments that were extensively winnowed by bottom currents. Indirect evidence for such an interpretation is given by the complete absence of thin-bedded and fine-grained turbidite sediments. Direct evidence is the highly burrowed, fine-grained, and irregularly stratified bottom-current deposits. This complex depositional system was formed on a passive continental margin setting, concurrently with an overall seaward progradation of clastics. The correct understanding of such depositional odels seems to be of primary importance for the oil exploration of the Atlantic margins.

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