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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 66 (1982)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 565

Last Page: 566

Title: Preliminary Statistical Analysis of Large Sample of Lepidocyclina, an Eocene Orbitoid Foraminifer from Isla de Margarita, Venezuela: ABSTRACT

Author(s): T. S. Dyman, S. H. Frost, K. I. Takahashi

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A statistically large sample of Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) sp. from the upper orbitoid beds of the Punta Carnero Group, at Punta Mosquito, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela, was analyzed to determine the amount and nature of morphologic variation and to provide a basis for evaluation of present lepidocyclinid

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More than 250 thin sections were measured for as many as 24 variables in equatorial section and 14 variables in vertical section. Equatorial and vertical sections were analyzed using univariate and bivariate statistical analyses, cluster analysis, R-mode factor analysis, analysis of variance, and discriminant function analysis. Results show that the range of morphologic variation is large.

High correlation coefficients between some variables and the grouping of variables into factors indicate redundancy in the variable set. Future studies of this type could use fewer variables without sacrificing much information.

Morphologic differences in Lepidocyclina (L.) sp. forms found in this sample were not great enough to allow classification of subgroups as separate species. The differences are gradational, and the intermediate forms were impossible to classify objectively. The variation in this sample, however, has limits, and these limits are considered the range of variation of Lepidocyclina (L.) pustulosa.

Previous classifications based on only a few variables and individuals are inadequate considering the large degree of uncorrelated morphologic variation in some samples. The most useful classification scheme should be based on a wide range of morphologic features of the test, analyzed by statistical techniques on high-speed computers.

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