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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 66 (1982)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 623

Last Page: 623

Title: Interactive Color Display and Analysis--Added Dimension to Seismic Interpretation: ABSTRACT

Author(s): G. W. Rice, B. B. Stebens, Peter Macalister Hall

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Interactive color video display systems provide a new dimension to the analysis of seismic data. Subtle concurrent changes in multiple seismic parameters such as reflection strength, velocity, frequency, and structure can be assimilated more effectively with the aid of interactive color technology. We examine here two typical interpretation problems--bright spots and 3-D data--and illustrate the use of interactive color display and analysis in formulating a solution. The successful analysis of hydrocarbon indicators relies on both the ability to measure the auxiliary effects that hydrocarbon indicators have on seismic data and to display these effects in a form that is visible to the interpreter. If the interpreter can view an optimum combination of subtle changes in thes parameters, his ability to predict both the lateral extent of the reservoir and the amount of gas saturation can be substantially improved.

One way to display simultaneous variation in several seismic parameters is through the use of an interactive color imaging system. After digital displays of the seismic reflection data variables are input, color assignments are made interactively among the seismic variables and the primary colors. This process can vary from a simple assignment of a primary color for each variable to a more complex analysis technique that dynamically assigns proportions of the seismic variables to all colors. Unlike some approaches that "color" a single parameter to better illustrate its dynamic range, the methods described here use color to illustrate the simultaneous changes in all variables. These video imagery systems provide flexible, high-resolution displays that can cope visually with large volu es of data that are typical for 3-D surveys. It allows the interpreter to perform a variety of instant, on-the-spot enhancement techniques. Thus, the technology significantly minimizes some of the problems in dealing with 3-D data. Typical vertical sections or horizontal time-slice displays from a cube of 3-D data can be shown in a variable intensity mode. The horizontal Seiscut displays can be viewed in a flexible and easily controlled movie fashion or overlaid in color to enhance delineation of structural features. When the multiple parameter technique is employed on the Seiscut display, it produces an "instant geologic map." Each lithologic unit boundary can be distinguished by its unique color pattern.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists