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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 66 (1982)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1426

Last Page: 1426

Title: Polycystine Radiolarian Distribution and Enhancements Related to Oceanographic Conditions in a Hypothetical Ocean: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Richard E. Casey, Joan M. Spaw, Florence R. Kunze

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Radiolarian data from Holocene sediments of the world oceans were fitted to a hypothetical ocean exhibiting characteristics of all oceans. Warm-water sphere radiolarians exhibit major poleward boundaries to their distributions at subtropical and polar convergences. They exhibit poleward extensions in the westward boundary currents. Collosphaerids are enhanced in sediments under the anticyclonic gyres and eastern Previous HittropicalTop regions. The Dictyocoryne profunda-truncatum group appears to be indicative of warm-water sphere mesotrophic conditions. Cold-water sphere radiolarians dominate sediments poleward of the polar convergences and occur in significant percentages under the eastern boundary currents and equatorial divergences. Intermediate and deep-water radiolarians appear to be enhanced under the polar cyclonic gyres, eastern boundary currents, and the oceanic divergences and convergences. These radiolarian indices of present oceanographic conditions (currents, divergences, convergences, and oligotrophic to eutrophic conditions) should aid in deciphering similar paleo-oceanographic conditions.

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