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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 66 (1982)

Issue: 10. (October)

First Page: 1704

Last Page: 1704

Title: Interactive Gridding: ABSTRACT

Author(s): James A. Downing

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Gridding of geologic or geophysical Previous HitdataNext Hit is at the foundation of most computerized mapping and modeling operations. Surface display techniques such as Previous HitcontouringNext Hit, fish-net isometrics, and cross sections are usually derived from gridded surface models. Processing and analysis techniques such as surface filtering, trend analysis, Fourier transforms, and simple algebraic combinations of surfaces use gridded models in intermediate steps.

A combination of conventional gridding techniques with interactive control for manual interpretation of Previous HitdataNext Hit hold the potential for dramatically improving results and expanding acceptance of the technology. Several conventional algorithms are reviewed and two new gridding techniques are introduced. Procedures for interactively controlling gridding techniques and adapting the techniques to respond to manual interpretations of the Previous HitdataTop will be discussed. Also, procedures for intractively adjusting gridded surfaces to conform to manually input contour curves will be described and demonstrated.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists