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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 66 (1982)

Issue: 10. (October)

First Page: 1706

Last Page: 1706

Title: Oil and Gas Exploration Using a Microcomputer: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Walter H. Ortel

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A Previous HitcontouringNext Hit program has been developed in Pascal for the Apple II Previous HitcomputerNext Hit using irregularly spaced Previous HitdataNext Hit. The program plots contours and Previous HitdataNext Hit points on the CRT and dumps the resulting map with headings on a 440 IDS printer. The Previous HitcontouringNext Hit package is the main program of a larger system being developed to explore for oil in mature areas. The package will include a file management program for well Previous HitdataTop files, trend surface and residual surface mapping, log evaluation and mapping of log parameters, and a program to evaluate drilling deals using probabilities.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists