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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 67 (1983)

Issue: 3. (March)

First Page: 537

Last Page: 537

Title: Ocean Margin Drilling Project Data Synthesis off Eastern North America: 34° to 41°N Latitude: ABSTRACT

Author(s): P. D. Rabinowitz, J. I. Ewing

Article Type: Meeting abstract


An atlas of geological and geophysical maps has been compiled for the east coast of the North American continent covering an area from well onshore to the ocean crust, and from 34° to 41°N as part of the Ocean Margin Drilling Project.

Included in the atlas are maps of the Previous HitdepthNext Hit to continental and oceanic basement, Previous HitdepthNext Hit to the top of Lower and Middle Jurassic (reflectors JM/J3 and JS/J2), to the top of Jurassic (reflectors J/J1), to the top of Neocomian (reflector Beta), to the top of Cretaceous (reflector A*), to the top of Paleogene (reflector Au), and to the top of lower Miocene (reflector X). Isopach maps between these reflectors and between them and the sea floor are also included. Contours are two-way Previous HittraveltimeTop with a contour interval of 0.25 to 1 sec.

The atlas also contains a tectonic map of basement, a pre-Quaternary geologic map, and lithofacies maps for six time slices.

There are geophysical maps of magnetic and gravity anomalies and compressional wave velocities in sediments and basement.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists