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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The Glen Rose Limestone is a proven oil and gas producer in south Texas along the Stuart City reef trend. However, it has not been productive, except in minor occurrences, in the East Texas basin, even though it is present in an area of approximately 75,000 mi2 (195,00 km2) and attains a maximum thickness of 3,500 ft (1,067 m). This absence of production is believed to result from a lack of exploration rather than a lack of potential. Therefore, a regional study of the outcrop-to-basin stratigraphy and structure of the Glen Rose in central Texas was undertaken to correlate existing stratigraphic nomenclature and to determine the depositional and diagenetic history. Be relating these to known production, it should be possible to identify potential exp oration fairways.
Cross sections were used in establishing stratigraphic correlations, resulting in a division of the Trinity Group different from that commonly seen in literature. The group is divided into the Glen Rose and Travis Peak subgroups, with the division at the outcrop placed at the Hensel-lower Glen Rose contact. However, in the basin, the Pearsall-Rodessa contact is used as it is time-equivalent to the division adopted at the outcrop.
Examination of cores, cuttings, and sample logs defined the depositional and diagenetic environments of Glen Rose strata. Isopach maps and seismic sections were used to map distribution of facies tracts related to production. Facies and structure of known production areas were compared to those of untested areas to define possible exploration fairways and to map recommended exploration trends. Principal of these is the Stuart City reef trend.
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