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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 67 (1983)

Issue: 8. (August)

First Page: 1333

Last Page: 1334

Title: Influence of Transcontinental Arch on Cretaceous Listric-Normal Previous HitFaultingNext Hit, West Flank, Denver Basin: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Thomas L. Davis

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Seismic studies along the west flank of the Denver basin near Boulder and Greeley, Colorado illustrate the interrelationship between shallow listric-normal Previous HitfaultingNext Hit in the Cretaceous and deeper basement-controlled Previous HitfaultingNext Hit. Deeper fault systems, primarily associated with the Transcontinental arch, control the styles and causative mechanisms of listric-normal Previous HitfaultingNext Hit that developed in the Cretaceous. Three major stratigraphic levels

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of listric-normal Previous HitfaultingNext Hit occur in the Boulder-Greeley area. These tectonic sensitive intervals are present in the following Cretaceous formations: Laramie-Fox Hills-upper Pierre, middle Pierre Hygiene zone, and the Niobrara-Carlile-Greenhorn. Documentation of the listric-normal fault style reveals a Wattenberg high, a horst block or positive feature of the greater Transcontinental arch, was active in the east Boulder-Greeley area during Cretaceous time. Paleotectonic events associated with the Wattenberg high are traced through analysis of the listric-normal fault systems that occur in the area. These styles are important to recognize because of their stratigraphic and structural influence on Cretaceous petroleum reservoir systems in the Denver basin. Similar styles of listric-norma Previous HitfaultingTop occur in the Cretaceous in many Rocky Mountain foreland basins.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists