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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 67 (1983)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1457

Last Page: 1457

Title: Structural Geology of Shawneetown Previous HitFaultNext Hit Zone, Southeastern Illinois: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Donald K. Lumm, W. John Nelson

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Vertical movements of crustal blocks along the narrow east-west-trending Shawneetown Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone in southeastern Illinois occurred between Early Permian and Late Cretaceous. The main blocks moved vertically and returned to roughly their original positions so that strata now show little relative offset across the Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone. However, individual faults with displacements up to 3,500 ft (1,070 m) bound narrow slices of steeply tilted or overturned strata resulting in a juxtaposition of Kinderhookian (Lower Mississippian) and Upper Devonian strata with Lower Pennsylvanian strata. The bedrock is intensely fractured, commonly brecciated, and cemented with either silica or calcite. Slickensides and mullion display various orientations within the zone and on individual outcrops. T e dominant movement, however, appears to be vertical with no evidence for significant strike-slip movements. Pleistocene deposits do not exhibit offsets across the Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone, indicating that no tectonic activity has occurred since the beginning of the epoch.

The trend of the Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone changes abruptly from east-west in southern Gallatin and easternmost Saline Counties to south-southwest in southern Saline and northeastern Pope Counties, where it joins the Fluorspar area Previous HitfaultNext Hit complex. Here the zone widens and develops a braided pattern as the amount of displacement along individual faults decreases. The Shawneetown Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone and Fluorspar area Previous HitfaultNext Hit complex in part are younger than the Cottage Grove Previous HitfaultNext Hit system to the northwest and the Wabash Valley Previous HitfaultNext Hit system to the north. The hope of finding structural traps near the junctions of the Previous HitfaultTop systems has spurred recent oil exploration in the area.

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