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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 67 (1983)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1464

Last Page: 1464

Title: Multiple Zone Coal Degasification Potential in Warrior Coal Field of Alabama: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Stanley L. Graves, Abner F. Patton, Wendell M. Beavers

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The upper Pottsville Formation in the Warrior coal field of Alabama has seven recognized groups of bituminous coal seams. Three of these groups, the Pratt, Mary Lee, and Black Creek, consist of seams containing commercially significant quantities of methane. Each group has several seams within a vertical interval that, in many areas, can be stimulated collectively. In parts of the Warrior coal field, where all three groups can be penetrated in one vertical Previous HitboreholeTop, the potential production from multiple zone completion wells can result in commercially profitable wells. Various open-hole and through-the-casing completion procedures are being applied, resulting in successful methane production from these multiple zone coal gas wells.

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