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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 67 (1983)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1475

Last Page: 1475

Title: Distribution and Provenance of Trace Elements in Gulf of Mexico Sediments: ABSTRACT

Author(s): B. Kevin Wood, John H. Trefry

Article Type: Meeting abstract


By knowing the dispersion patterns of river-borne sediments in marine environments, one can predict the spatial distribution of selected minerals, elements, and particle-bound pollutants. One potentially useful method for determining sediment pathways is by Previous HitcontouringNext Hit selected trace metals in the sediments seaward of the river outflow. Using Previous HitcomputerNext Hit techniques involving trend surface analysis and a massive Previous HitdataNext Hit set, we have contoured the regional distribution of chromium, copper, iron, nickel, and lead in surficial sediments from the Gulf of Mexico. Spatially, these metals range from very low concentrations in the sediments of the west Florida shelf to highest values on the Mississippi delta and along portions of the south Texas shelf. Intermediate concentrations are int rspersed between these areas. Observed contour patterns are referenced to suspended matter trace metal Previous HitdataNext Hit for the Apalachicola, Mobile, Mississippi, Brazos, and Rio Grande Rivers to determine sediment-metal provenance and thus infer river dispersal patterns. Statistical treatment of our trace metal and sediment Previous HitdataTop was also carried out to identify the important geochemical variables (grain-size, carbonate content, and clay mineralogy) that control the observed sediment trace metal patterns.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists